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Редукторы для почвенных фрез - S4000


up to 49 kW
at 1000 min-1

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from 1,35:1
to 2,44:1
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исследование и разработка

  • Happy Birthday Bondioli & Pavesi!

    Today is a special day: our Company turns 68! Things have changed a lot from 1950 but our values are still the same: the innovative soul that learns from past to be better today and tomorrow, the constant desire to produce, and a real passion for our job.

  • Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

    It is time to wish Merry Christmas to all of our customers, dealers, colleagues and followers!

    This soon ending year has been full of hard work, new goals and memorable moments. Now it is time to recharge our batteries and enjoy the Holidays with our families and friends.
