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Многофункциональные редукторы - S2000


up to 331 kW
at 1000 min-1

Передаточное Число

from 1:2,78
to 2,78:1
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исследование и разработка

  • Happy Birthday Bondioli & Pavesi!

    69 years of activity are an important milestone. The Company started in a garage in Suzzara (Mantova, Italy) on the 19th October 1950, founded by the only twenty-year-old Edi Bondioli with his partner Guido Pavesi.

  • Happy Easter!

    Celebrating Easter looks and feels so different for all of us this year.

    We wish our Collaborators, Customers, Friends and their Families a Safe, Happy and (more than ever now) Healthy Easter weekend.
